Rules of Bar Council of India do not permit law firms to develop a regular website. This is only a resource center aimed at providing information regarding corporate and legal matters pertaining to Indian jurisdiction. If you would like to get in touch with Makhija and Associates, you could do so by emailing us or contact us at the address listed on the home page.
The following discloses our information collection and usage polices. Your use of our Web Site constitutes your agreement to abide by the following policies and be bound by the rules of use displayed herein:
This site is not intended to be advertising. Makhija and Associates does not wish to represent anyone
1) desiring representation based upon viewing this website in a state or country where this website fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that state, or
2) located in a state or country where the attorneys of Makhija and Associates are not licensed to practice law
Definition of Terms Used in This Agreement
Site – shall hereafter refer to this Web Site, it’s contents, it’s designer, it’s management and all directly associated Companies and/or Entities.
User Data -shall hereafter refer to personal identifiable user data, which may include: Name, Address, Phone Numbers, Email Address, Credit Card information, etc.
Submission Forms – Submission Forms – shall hereafter refer to user input forms, which may include: E-Mail Forms, Request/Comment/Suggestion Forms, Guest Books, Public Forum Bulletin Boards, Product/Service Order Forms, Email, and Online Registration Forms.
Comments – shall hereafter refer to all user submitted comments, feedback, suggestions, ideas, and other submissions disclosed.
Outside Resourceshall hereafter refer to links to other web sites, services, and reference resources.
Contents – shall hereafter refer to all information/content of our web Site.
Our site and all contents are provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation warranties of title or merchantability or acceptability for a particular purpose and/or correctness of contents. By your use of our site, you acknowledge, that your use is at your own risk, and that you have assumed all responsibility for all direct or incidental costs arising from your use of our site, and that our site shall not be held liable for any damages of any kind related (expressly or implied) to your use of our site. Further, by your use of our site you agree to indemnify, defend and hold our site harmless from and against any loss, suit, damage, claim or defense arising out of your use of our site, including attorney’s fees.
By your use of our site you hereby jointly and severally release, acquit, forgive, and discharge our site from any actions, claims, demands, suits, agreements, judgments, liabilities, and proceedings, whether arising in equity or in law, and in particular arising from your use of our site. This agreement shall remain binding upon all successors in interest and personal representatives of the using parties, to the extent permitted by law.
The content and information on this website should not be construed as legal advice and any person doing so would be doing so at his or her own risk.
This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the state of New Delhi, without regard to any conflict of law provisions. Any dispute arising under this agreement shall be resolved exclusively by the courts of the state of New Delhi.
Links to Other Web Sites, Services and Resources
Our SITE contains links to Outside Resources, of which our SITE has no control over the privacy practices or the content. Our SITE is in no way to be held responsible for the privacy practices and/or content appearing on these Outside Resources.
Information Collection and Usage
The views and opinion expressed in this site are purely those of the individual writers and contributors to the site and do not specifically reflect the thinking and views of the organization
Visitor Tracking
The following Non-Personal Information may be collected for internal tracking to create summary statistics and to identify levels of interest in the information displayed on our site.
1) Date and Time of site access
2) IP Address
3) Outside Referral Tracking. Tracking may include the above and information regarding Web Browser, Operating System, Screen Resolution, and Screen Colors Referral Tracking – Search Engine, Site, Email Referral, Domain, and Country
User Submissions
Our site contains visitor Submission Forms (which are used at your sole discretion) requiring penitent User Data to provide us with your Comments, and/or requests. Currently User Data is not distributed to any third party unless specifically required to:
1) comply with a court order
2) to protect our property
3) fulfill your request or
4) as requested by the yourself
Submitted “Comments”
Your Comments shall not be considered to be confidential and shall neither create any privileges for the sender nor obligations for the recipient and/or our SITE. By Your submission of information, you agree to grant our SITE exclusive ownership rights to this information and if information is collected for our Guestbook or Public Forum, said information may be publicly displayed. Our SITE shall be under no obligation to: (a) protect the confidence of these Comments; (b) to pay the sender for these Comments; or (c) to reply/respond to these Comments. User hereby agrees that your Comments will NOT violate the rights of any third party, including trademark, copyright, privacy, proprietary, personal or other rights.
Updates and Changes to This Agreement and Web Site Content
The Contents displayed on this SITE is presented as a service to our users. Although every effort is made to insure the accuracy of the Contents, this SITE makes no guarantee that the Contents are accurate and/or reliable. Updates and/or modifications to the Contents of this SITE and Agreement may be posted at any time without notification to any user. It is your responsibility to check our SITE.
For Intellectual Property Rights
All intellectual property rights in regard entire content, layouts, images, sounds, video, scripts, coding or any other matter with respect to this website vests with Makhija and Associates. Trademark rights to the logos/names/marks used on the website belongs to Makhija and Associates except for the logos/names/marks of its clients or other organizations, which are used for informative purpose only. The copyright in the entire content in this website is owned by Makhija and Associates unless otherwise specified by the respective authors.
Reproduction and downloading rights
Any reproduction and/or transmission of the content of this web-site or part thereof for a purpose which is not consistent with fair-use provisions of copyright law are prohibited and may amount to infringement of copyright.
Contacting Our Web Site Management
For questions about our sites practices, this Agreement and/or for submission of your comments and suggestions, you may contact:
Manish Makhija
Makhija and Associates
B-3/57 Safdarjung Enclave,
New Delhi, 110029, India
Tele: 91-8826079887 Mobile: 9810043363
Alternatively, you can also send us your business enquiry by filling out the contact form.
Honest, Sincere and Professional Legal Advise
Preventive Litigation is the Best Advice
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